The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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The past week had been horrible, David had not touched me again. In his twisted mind, mating with me was another “privilege” I
had to earn. Just as getting enough food, sleeping in a bed, and having freedom were. He allowed me one meal a day. Which
always consisted of his leftovers. And probably was just to keep me alive. I could still freely access the bathroom so I had access
to all the water I needed. I could go to the bathroom and not soil myself.
In theory, I could even shower myself but in reality, I was unable to. Missing my mate, missing my wolf. Not getting enough food
all weakened me. To the point, I could barely stand on my feet. The injection Hannah had given me the morning after I got raped
was a contraception injection. I know of this injection which is mostly used to keep from getting pregnant during the heat. Since
mom was a pack doctor I knew of it. How it looked like and what it did. I had enough knowledge to be sure she was actually
giving me contraception.
“He somehow doesn’t quite get how pregnancies work. I don’t hate you enough to bring a child into this” She had shrugged, but
there was a tenderness in her voice I couldn’t really place.
It was the first and kind thing she had ever done for me. Hannah had never liked me. She was a year younger than David, and
he always looked up to him. They hung out together a lot when their fathers met up. Seeing as Hannah’s father was Alpha
Philip’s Beta that had been a lot. It is why Jason and David ended up being best friends, with Jason as the next Beta. After
Hannah gave me the injection I felt that there was more going on between her and David. Or that she wanted there to be.
At the beginning of this new normal, I was trying to come up with
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plans to use it to my advantage. But with how weak I was feeling now I couldn’t gather my own thoughts. It felt like something
was missing. Something just out of reach, hidden by the blur of hunger. Tonight no different as I saw the sunlight slowly fading

through the sunroof. Listening to David snoring as he was taking an afternoon nap, I tried to come up with ideas but all I could
think about was missing Griffin.
Every time I fell asleep I dreamed of better times, I would dream about meals we had in the past. Or maybe they were just
random dreams where I was eating all my favorite foods while chatting with Griffin. The two things I missed most now. Just as I
was getting overwhelmed with frustration again I felt something else. Griffin was back and he was so close. I watched David still
peacefully asleep and I wondered if I should just place a pillow over his face and suffocate him. This a recurring thought I had
ever since I found out he was the one who had me kidnapped.
At first, I figured it would have been a dumb move. Hannah or any of his other goons, would find me and surely kill me. From
past experiences, I knew I could outsmart and outrun Hannah. But not several of the BloodMoon pack members. And I was sure
he had more wolves helping him, there was no way the two of them could do all of this. Back when I thought I knew him, when I
would see him daily, David could not build anything. He didn’t have a lot of practical skills as he focused all his energy on his
education. So I was sure he hadn’t been able to build all of this on his own.
Now there was a high chance Griffin would find me as he was so close. Even if Hannah would come in here to bring David his
breakfast in the morning. Taunting me with the fact I still hadn’t deserved a good breakfast, I could escape and outrun her. If
Grillin was still so close he would be able to find me if I would be able to hold out for a little while.
And that was the issue now, I was so weakened I could not hold on at all. Not to mention the high risk that David would wake up
as I was
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trying to suffocate him. He would easily overpower me. And I shuddered thinking about what he would do to me if he woke up to
me trying to kill him. Wanting to be saved I opted for the Mo onGo ddess. instead. to keep me safe and to make sure Griffin
found me.

Whatever his reason was for going away two weeks ago, he was back now. And I needed him to find me as soon as possible. I
had no idea. how long he was able to stay for this time. I hated not knowing anything, I could very well be he wasn’t even
allowed at the
Blood Moon pack. Then again maybe he was because David hadn’t gone back one. Not after the night, he acted funny,
something must have happened to the back looking back.
Hannah had tried to hint at it too, but David had aggressively silenced her about it. I tried to think of what would happen if an
Alpha stayed away from his pack for weeks on end. It was another memory I couldn’t reach. Eventually, I fell asleep wracking my
brain for ideas on how to make sure Griffin could find me.
I was startled awake when David stumbled out of his bed, done with his nap. Not that I knew what this man needed naps for as
he wasn’t doing anything. The dungeon had turned into a pigsty. He would wake up, scoff down the breakfast Hannah brought
him, and mock me for being hungry. Then spends the entire day playing stu pid games on his phone up until lunch. After his
lunch, he would feed me his leftovers before lifting some of the weights he asked Hannah to bring. Claiming it was to keep him
fit, so he could defend me if push came to shove. Like thirty minutes of weightlifting in between hanging on the couch and
playing games was going to make the difference between winning or losing the fight.
In the beginning, he would interact with me a little, he would watch me clean his mess up. He would take regular showers usually
after I took mine. Almost like this grown-as s wolf, who now had to lead an

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entire pack however small the pack might be. Needed a reminder to take a shower and brush his teeth. In my annoyance, I came
up with an idea. For the longest time, I had been utterly unwilling to do anything. to earn privileges back.
Feeling Griffin so close to me had changed everything, though. It would be virtually impossible for him to find me in this dungeon
without help. Back when I still had been hopeful I kept reminding myself I needed to be strong so I could help Griffin. With all that
happened to me. I kinda let go of that idea. Which was foolish because if it wasn’t for me being so weak I might have been able
to help Griffin find me. Or at least try to come up with some ideas to leave more hints. The first privilege I had to earn back was
to cat, and as much as I did not want to. I think I had an idea of what I needed to do, so as David stumbled out of bed towards
the kitchen to get himself a drink I pushed myself up and crawled to the bed. Still too weak to walk there, and just as I hoped this
drew in David’s attention. He was staring at me, I could feel from his eyes burning holes in my back.

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