And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Sexual Prowl
Since the moment he had kissed me the night of my birthday, I tried to avoid the feelings I had for him, but once
again, I was wrapped within his arms and taken over by the lust our bond created. I wanted more than I knew how to handle.
With a rush of desire, our hands
went wild and, as his skin brushed against mine, a moan escaped my lips. It was like my body was on fire, and the only thing
that could quench
it was Lucas.
As his hands reached
down behind the backs of my thighs, he quickly lifted me up, pressing me against the lamppost as he continued to kiss me with f
everish intent. I wanted him, and I wasn’t sure why the desire was so hard to resist.
Breaking the kiss, I tried to speak, but his lips just trailed down over my jawline towards
my neck. “Lucas-” I gasped. “We can’t... not here.”
His eyes met mine, and as they did, a small smirk crested the corners of his lips. “Okay.”
“Okay?” I whispered as I stared into the dark abyss of his eyes.
“Cassie, I want you and I will have you whatever way I can. So you can either have me now and right here... or we can
somewhere else. That is, unless you would prefer the company of others‘ tonight?”
His statement was daring, and there
was no mistaking the meaning behind his words. He had been jealous Silas was out here talking to me, and
I felt slightly guilty I flirted back with him. Especially because Lucas was my mate.
No matter how much he irritated and pissed me off.

Taking a moment to think about what I was going to say, I leaned forward and brushed my lips ever so gently against
his. “I want a bed.”
He didn’t think twice when he placed my feet on the ground and took my hand in his. A slight pull towards the path and I realized
he was leading me towards the building we were staying in. Soft giggles left my lips as I tripped over a rock in the path. The alco
hol I had been drinking flooded my mind.
“Shit!” I spat out, causing him to glance over his shoulder at me as he laughed and shook his head.
“If you’re any louder, someone is going to catch us.”
“So, we’re adults. Who cares?” My reply seemed to make sense in his mind because before I knew it, I was
tossed over his shoulder and taken through doorways and down halls until finally we entered a room and I was placed on my
feet once more.
He could have picked his room. The dark and sultry air of it seemed to fit the current mood of sexual tension between
us, but instead, he went to mine.
With my gaze locked onto his, I watched him take steps towards me as I slowly moved backwards. A wicked side
to him emerged as he pulled his black shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor.
The tan, toned curves of his muscles rippled in the dim lighting
as he approached me like a predator on the hunt. Every bit of him was sculpted in a way that made my
mouth water, and when he stared at me, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of anticipated pleasure was over me.
The way Lucas looked right now stalking towards me had me biting my lip as I took in his bad boy persona. The air
about him screamed danger, and everything about me wanted it.
“Come here,” he said. The command sent shivers down my spine I hadn’t expected to enjoy.
Yet, remaining in my spot, I cocked an eyebrow and smiled. “Make me.”
Never had I thought those two words could hold as much power as they did the moment I said them. As if a switch had been flipp
ed, he snatched me by the ankle and drug me to the end of the bed. The weight of his body was held up by his arms as he hover
ed over me.
“Are you sure you want to go with that answer?”

Was I sure? Hell yes, if it meant he would punish me. “You heard me.”
Lacing his fingers through my hair, he yanked my head towards his and pressed his lips against mine. My own hands
grasped at his arms as his tongue dove into my mouth, the taste of him dancing within, causing me to moan in satisfaction.
“I’m going to make you scream for me, princess,” he murmured as he broke the kiss for a
moment. His hold on my hair released as he shifted his hand, trailing a single claw
down over the curves of my breast until it slipped under the thin material of my dress, ripping it all the way down the front of me.
I liked that dress and destroying it was rather irritating. However, the moment that claw danced along
my skin between my thighs, I gasped out in pleasure. He was doing things to me no other man had, and I loved it.
“You talk a lot of talk for someone who hasn’t made a move yet, unless you count kissing.” He
was going to make me eat those words the moment he tore the black panties from between my legs, grasped the
backs of my thighs, and raised my hips up to allow his mouth to devour my core.
Diving in like a man who hadn’t eaten in days, he sucked against my clit before diving his tongue deep inside me, causing
my back to arch as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
“Sweet Jesus-” I moaned as the knot in my stomach slowly built from the very quickly approaching climax.
Every stroke of his tongue against me had my hands gripping at the blankets on the bed, begging like a bitch in heat for the pass
ion he provided. It was crazy to think he was able to do this, that a man I had been against for so long was able
to make me feel the way he did. When I thought I couldn’t take anymore, he had me screaming in pleasure as he tipped me over
the edge.
My eyes connected with his the moment he came up, licking his lips.
“You taste divine.” The low growl that emitted from his throat had me biting my
bottom lip as I smiled. He stripped out of his pants, his thick, rigid cock standing at attention. It was huge, far larger than the othe
r guys I had been with in the past, and I had no doubt it would punish me in every way I wanted to be punished.
The moment he pulled me to the edge of the bed, no words were said, and honestly, that was okay. He slid the head of his
cock against my soaking wet core. There was no going back.
Not that I would want to.

Gently, his hand slid behind
my neck, and in doing so, he sat me up, bringing my lips to his. The kiss started off slowly but quickly grew more feverish as he
slowly slid every inch of his long, thick cock deep inside me. My breath hitched at his size as he filled
me to a point I hadn’t expected. He was definitely bigger than anyone I had been with before, and with every inch of him invading
my tight cunt, the pressure in my stomach grew until he completely hilted inside me with a low growl.
“You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment,” he
whispered, my heart racing as he stared down into my eyes. “You’re mine, Cassie.”
The carnal hunger of our lust drove us both towards a
desire I denied for too long. The moment those words left his mouth, his lips captured mine again.
No longer was it soft and gentle. It was hurried, rough, and completely erotic. My back hit the soft comforts of the blankets as his
hips thrusted deep inside me.
As if his Lycan side had taken control, he punished me with pain and pleasure. Nails scrapped at my skin as his hand slid to my t
hroat, fucking me harder than I could have imagined. My cries of pleasure echoed around the room as I bounced under him..
“Oh, fuck yes-” I moaned, wanting more. “Harder, please harder.”
With a maniacal laugh, he pulled out quickly and flipped me over onto my stomach. His hands
gripped my hips as he pulled my ass up and shoved a pillow underneath my stomach. “You have no idea what you just asked for.

Suddenly nervous, I hesitated for a moment before the head of his cock thrust back inside me. At this angle, every bit of him hit
deeper and with the new sensation of his rigid member deep inside of me hitting all the right places, I gasped. “Oh, fucking hell-”
A deep chuckle left his throat as he reached up, grabbing my hair. “Hold on...”
The thrusting force behind his movements caused me
to cry out as I took what he offered. I wanted it, every inch of the pain and pleasure he could bring me, and as I took it like a bitch
in heat. I spiraled out of control, coming undone over and over again until my throat hurt from screaming out.
“Let me mark you,” he growled as he reached down, gripping my throat. “You have no idea how bad I want to sink my fangs into
your pretty little throat.”

For a split moment, part of me wanted to say yes so I could feel the
rush of euphoria so many of the mated people I knew talked about, but at the same time, I wasn’t ready for that. I wasn’t ready to
be completely mated to him, and as his cock got harder and harder, I pushed back against him, trying to make him cum.
“Not yet-” I cried out as he thrust harder, obviously unhappy with my response by the sound of the growl that left his
lips. The movement tipped me over the edge as I came, my core clenching around his cock, begging to milk every last drop from h
But instead of cumming inside of me, he quickly pulled out and spilled himself into his
hand. I didn’t know why he pulled out, but I was pleased. The last thing I wanted was get pregnant, and glancing over my
shoulder at him, I saw the confliction on his face.
His brows knitted together before going lax, and without glancing at me, he stood to his feet and made his way towards the bathro
the sexual pleasure he had pushed through me.
Falling back onto the soft white pillows of my bed, I pulled the blankets around me, staring at the ceiling and trying to think
why he would suddenly act the
way he did. I wasn’t sure if it was because I said no to marking me, or perhaps I had done something wrong during sex.
If it was the marking, I hadn’t meant to upset him. I just wasn’t ready to take the mate mark and start
bearing children yet. I was only eighteen, and being a mother at this age wasn’t something I wanted. Not to mention, I didn’t want
me who I loved. I wanted to feel that love and connection without a mark.
The moment he came back, I propped my head up on my hand and stared at him.
“What’s wrong?” My question seemed to stop him in his tracks as he stood before me completely naked, looking like
a ripped Tilly’s model waiting to go on deck.
Shrugging his shoulders, he grabbed his pants and began to get dressed. “Nothing. Why would something be wrong?”
I wasn’t stupid, and the fact he literally responded the way he did made me wonder if he thought I was. “I’m sorry I said no...”
Lucas scoffed at my comment as he shook his head. “Do you
really think that bothered me? I’m not bothered you said no. Honestly, it’s best you did.”

“What?” Shock filled me as I listened to him. “What do you mean, it’s best?”
He didn’t bother giving me an answer as he pulled his shirt over his head
and covered up the gorgeous muscles of his body. His dark hair was disheveled, standing up on end, and clearly just–
fucked. It was clear he was leaving, and as he turned, I couldn’t help but feel disgusted with myself in a way.
“Are you going to refuse to answer me?” The snapped remark was unexpected, but he paused and a deep breath escaped his lip
“I don’t have to say anything, Cassie. Have you not realized you’re no longer a pampered princess here? We are exactly the same
for things like relationships. Isn’t that right?”
I had never said I didn’t have time for a relationship, but I had said I would never have sex with Lucas–and it happened anyways.
Gripping the sheets around me, I stood to my feet and stormed towards him.
“You’re acting like an asshole right now, and all I’m trying to do is see what’s the matter with you. You went from
loving and passionate to not giving a fuck at all.”
Lucas didn’t seem the least bit bothered by what I had to say, and even though I was looking for something to
tell me what was on his mind, he just stared at me with complete indifference.
“It was fun, Cassie. But I do have to go,” he said firmly as he glared at me, “perhaps if you’re ever
in need, we can do this again. If not, well, that’s fine too.”
I wasn’t sure what the hell just happened, but as he closed the
door behind him, I stood there mouth wide open with what I was sure would be nothing but shock written all across my face.
“What a complete asshole!”

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