Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 485: Large Number of Artifacts

The moment I threw the pearls out, I didn't expect so many to vanish the next moment.

The pearls covered a large number of gears and a wide space. Just when they fell over many of them, some gears started to absorb the pearls in no time.

"Damn!" I shockingly said, "this is much more than I even thought!"

"I spotted some," the demon was the first to move, "here, this and this, take this as well," he started gathering up swords, spears, shields, and any kind of gear he saw absorbing the pearls.

And then my demoness acted and the two started piling up gears one after another.

"That's huge," I glanced at the small hill in front of me while the two demons stood silently and waited for my words. "They are one hundred at least."

"That's only what we discovered," the demoness said, "and I believe we will have more than that."

"We should keep looking then," the demon was so greedy but I had to stop him.

"My pearls aren't that easy to acquire," I firmly said, "this batch… is enough for now."

I leant over the pile and took a spear out. "This pretty one is mine," I said.

"These swords and shields are mine as well," the demon moved but the demoness stopped him with a sword she grabbed fast from the pile.

"Your turn is at the end of line."

"W- What?" he glanced at her in doubt before I nodded.

"You forgot? You are grounded my dear demon."

"But we found a lot more gears than the one I lost," he tried to reason with us but I didn't comply.

"Go and select whatever you wish first," I said before taking out a sword, a full body armor. The armor was made up of thin and nice looking white chest plates, white arm guards, white leg guards, and a nice white cape.

As for the helmet, I didn't hesitate to try it out and felt good wearing it.

As for the demoness she grabbed what the demon aimed for from the beginning. "You took what's mine," the demon groaned in pain as he saw the demoness wearing what he sat his eyes upon.

"Blame yourself for being careless, not me," the demoness laughed before patting over her gears, "I'm done here. What about you princess?"

"I'm set," I said, "go and select yours then."

"I'll take all," the demon was so greedy and slightly resentful but I only laughed and said nothing.

"You know to activate these artifacts we will need a sh*t load of pearls," the demoness suddenly said, "so pick up whatever you want, you won't be able to activate them unless our princess allows it."

"Is that true?" he turned to me and I simply shrugged.

"Don't look at me, I know nothing as well," I simply said before turning my attention to the demoness. "How many pearls are needed to make these artifacts shine again?"

"Well…" she hesitated, "we can only know by testing them out."

I understood her meaning before I pointed all around with my new spear, "go and collect all the pearls. We are already running short on these."

The two moved and started collecting what I just threw earlier. Meanwhile I looked at my spear and patted its shaft. "Let's see how hungry you are," I softly muttered before taking out a hundred pearls and letting them fall over the spear.


The spear trembled faintly in my hand as it started to absorb all the pearls in a fast way.contemporary romance

"Ding Dong! You know this is a clear violation to the laws of this world."

I paused for a moment while remembering my annoying system. "My beloved one, I'm not breaking anything here," I simply shrugged, "I'm only following the rules. The world sealed those little babies and I'm just breaking the seal using my pearls."

"Ding Dong! That's against the rules! If the world wanted for them to be found then it wouldn't have sealed them in the first place."

I didn't give any heed to his words as I knew he was just bluffing and lying. That bastard was very versed in lying and playing me. And I swore to myself to be more vigilant and alert to any dirty trick he would play with me.

"So one hundred isn't enough," I muttered when the spear absorbed all the pearls and didn't show its former glory.

It wasn't all in vain as the shape of this white spear changed slightly after absorbing all those pearls. The whiteness it previously had started to shift and a tinge of golden lining started to appear slowly.

Yet it looked like seeing a golden mountain through a thick veil of smoke, hazy and not clear to my eyes.

And its powers weren't restored yet. I couldn't feel anything like the past artifacts I used to have.

"Then absorb more pearls for me," I took five hundred pearls this time and let it absorb them.

What I noticed was the absorption speed started to slow down the more I gave it to it. After five minutes the five hundred pearls were gone, yet it didn't fully recover.

The shaft was now shining brightly in golden light, but there were some dark writings over its shaft that were still hazy. I felt some power emanating out of it, but it was nothing compared to what I used to feel from the artifacts I once had.

"Another five hundred then," I didn't stop and took another batch of pearls out. The two demons stood silently and excitedly watching in the same anticipation the changes happening on that spear.

Yet the absorption speed started to be slightly annoying after hitting the seven hundred limit.

"This will take some time," I said while putting the spear on the ground, "if my guess is right, then each artifact will need roughly one thousand pearls… so we can activate up to five artifacts each."

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